Social Security Disability Solutions

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If you are applying for disability benefits or if you have already filed a claim, it is important that you understand these terms: Protective Filing Date (PFD), Alleged Onset Date (AOD), and Date Last Insured (DLI).

Protective Filing Date (PFD)
When you initially contact SSA to file a claim, this is your PFD.  If you are awarded benefits, this date determines how far back SSA can go when paying your past due benefits.  For SSI claims, you can only be paid from this date forward.  For Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), you can be paid a maximum of 12 months prior to your PFD.

Alleged Onset Date (AOD)
This the date that your disability began.  When you file our application for benefits, SSA will ask you when your disability began.  Giving SSA the wrong date can end up costing you money or a significant delay in your decision.  There are many factors to consider when you tell SSA when your disability began.  Probably the most important thing to remember when alleging an onset date is to determine when your condition was severe enough to interfere with your ability to do your job on a full-time basis.  If you had to reduce the number of hours that you worked or if you had to switch to a different less strenuous job, this will more likely be the date of your onset of disability.

Date Last Insured (DLI)
This is one of the most important considerations in your claim for disability benefits.  In order to qualify for DIB, you have to earn sufficient credits to become "insured."  Typically, you must have 22 credits in order to qualify for DIB.  You can earn 4 credits per year, so you must work at least 5 1/2 years to earn 22 credits.  Your Earnings Statement will tell you the last date that you could qualify for DIB based on your earnings.  This date is your DLI.

If you have questions about when to file a claim, what date to allege or how your DLI effects your claim, give me a call at 407-738-3718.