Can I work While I’m Waiting For SSA to Make a Decision on My Case?
Waiting for Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits can be a challenging and frustrating experience. During this time, individuals may be struggling with health issues and financial difficulties, making it tempting to try and find work to make ends meet. However, working while waiting for SSA disability can be a complicated issue.
Can I Work and While Receiving Disability Benefits?
For individuals receiving Social Security Disability benefits, the question of whether to work or not can be a difficult one. On the one hand, there may be a desire to work and earn additional income, but on the other hand, there may be concerns about how working could impact their disability benefits.
Should I Hire a Representative to Help Me with My Social Security Disability Claim?
It's always a good idea to consider hiring a representative to help you with your social security disability claim. While you can technically file the claim on your own, the process can be complex and difficult to navigate without the help of a professional.
Consultative Exam
When you are scheduled to have a consultative exam with Social Security, it's likely because they need additional medical information to make a decision about your disability claim. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam:
How to Complete a Pain Questionnaire
The pain questionnaire from social security is designed to gather information about an individual's pain and how it affects their ability to perform daily activities. To complete the questionnaire, follow these steps: