The Role of an Adjudicator in the SSA Disability Determination Process
Rick Gach Rick Gach

The Role of an Adjudicator in the SSA Disability Determination Process

An adjudicator at the Disability Determination Services (DDS) plays a pivotal role in the disability claim process for the Social Security Administration (SSA). When someone files a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) due to a disability, it's the DDS and specifically the adjudicator's role to make the initial determination regarding the claimant's medical eligibility.

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How to Get Your Social Security Disability Claims Approved for a Back Injury

How to Get Your Social Security Disability Claims Approved for a Back Injury

Back injuries can be debilitating, causing chronic pain and severe limitations in mobility that can significantly hinder your ability to work. The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes this and has measures in place to accommodate individuals facing such conditions. However, the path to getting your SSD claim approved for a back injury can be challenging without understanding the intricate process involved. Let’s unpack this complex issue and provide you with guidance on navigating your SSD claim for a back injury.

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